國立臺灣大學圖書館舉辦系列圖書館利用指導英語課 F.I.R.S.T.Workshop ,歡迎有興趣的學生們踴躍參加!

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NTU Library F.I.R.S.T. Workshop

Foreign Student Must-Learns: Information, Research, and Search Techniques


In this workshop, you will learn the following:
1. Find valuable multimedia resources to enrich your academic and daily life;
2. Search for the academic literature through the online database Web of Science and EBSCO;
3. Use “EndNote” to help you organize the references of your report or thesis.


More Details: https://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/en/node/3957

Subject Services Division, National Taiwan University
tul@ntu.edu.tw (02)3366-2326

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